Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The First Day? The Fail Day

Well... there's no point in having this blog if I am not honest and accountable throughout this journey. So my strong start with the BBG1 turned out not to be such a strong start afterall. Last night after getting home from work, we had Mexican food and so I knew that I would not be working out for a couple hours until my stomach had settled. However, around 8:00 my boyfriend and I went and hiked around a three mile loop near my house while the sun set. While that was good exercise, and potentially could meet the requirements of the LISS Kayla has set up for every other day of the pre-training weeks, it was not the actual leg workouts. I planned to do it when I got home, but my boyfriend stayed until 10 and my brother needed me to drive something to him, so I did not return home until about 10:45, exhausted and ready for bed.

So... to say the least... the first day essentially failed at being the first day.

But, I do not want to let this stop me. I wanted to make up for it today, but had to come into work early this morning (so I could not do the workout this morning without waking up at 4:00 am) and am going to a concert immediately following work. So, my new plan is to start tomorrow (Wednesday), as if it is Monday, and proceed without taking a rest or individual rehabilitation day. This creates the week into Wednesday for legs, Friday for abs/arms, and Sunday for total body, then I will do legs again on Monday. I am hoping that I do not have to push the first week off until next week, and can make up for missing yesterday.

Here's to mistakes, missed days, and moving past them....

- Sarah

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