Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I weigh HOW MUCH?!

Alright I finally weighed myself this morning… 145.0 lbs. So that is the basis of what we are starting with! From here on out I am going to weigh myself every morning, and the average for the week will be my weight. My ideal goal would be to weigh in at 139 lbs by August 9, and 135 lbs by August 24. At the very, very least I hope to be at 138 lbs by August 24. I am hopeful that the combination of (almost) daily workouts, and Isagenix that I will be able to achieve these weight goals.
Yesterday after work I went to the gym with my brother and my boyfriend. Despite that my legs and butt were SO sore, I did 45 minutes on the Stair Master (3.65 miles, 175 floors, average 60 steps per minute). Afterwards I did a calves super set then some planks/abs.
This morning I woke up to go to pure barre, but my legs/butt felt so sore still that I climbed back in bed and fell back asleep. I am 100% planning on going to Pure Barre Thursday, Saturday and Sunday this week and possibly Friday as well. Tonight after work I am planning to head straight home, change into my workout clothes, and do the BBG abs/arms workout. My arms are SO weak, which is a struggle. I love doing abs though so I am looking forward to this workout. I also am hopeful it will be less cardio-intense in comparison to Monday’s workout!
Tomorrow I plan to go to Pure Barre at 6:00 am, head to babysitting, then go back to the gym to do 45 minutes of the Stair Master, a calves superset, and start working on doing pull ups (my new goal)! After this week of consistent working out, next week I hope to become very strict with my diet. As always, I will keep you updated...
Happy hump day…. – Sarah Kane

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Getting Started is the Hardest Part

Well... After being MIA for a week, I AM BACK! And have officially completed the first day of the BBG1! Yesterday, Monday July 6 I went to Pure Barre before work (6:00 AM class woohoo...zzzz) and then did the Pre-Training Week 2 Monday leg day after work. And let me tell you, it was still hard! I was drenched in sweat by the end and considered multiple times calling it quits before the workout was over.

But I persisted and finished the whole workout! "Getting started is always the hardest part" is so true! Now that I have successfully finished the first workout my motivation is in high gear. I dislike feeling so weak and struggling with the simplest of the workouts, so I look forward to future weeks when I am stronger. I can't wait to look back on yesterday's workout circuit and laugh, thinking of how easy it really was.

The only weird part of the workouts I have found during the times I have done them is the 7-minute intervals you are supposed to complete. For some of the circuits, 7 minutes is more than enough time to complete two rounds of the circuit, but for other its not long enough. I tend to feel like I am cheating both when I don't start a third round when I have leftover time and also when I don't finish two rounds in the allotted time. So I find myself aiming to complete two rounds of each circuit regardless of the time. It makes me feel like I truly completed the workout to have done each circuit twice (a total of four times through the entire workout).

Has anyone else who has done the BBGs found this same feeling or do you tend to stick to the 7 minute time slots?

I woke up this morning with an INSANELY sore butt. My legs are a little sore but I definitely feel my butt every time I move, stand or walk. I am not sure if it was from the BBG workout or from Pure Barre as the seat exercises were pretty hard yesterday. My goal for tonight is to either go to Pure Barre (if I get off of work in time) for the 6:00 pm class, or to go straight to the gym for 45 minutes of cardio! I am hoping that moving more will work out the soreness and help me get ready for tomorrow's ab workout! I am going to aim to drink 4 liters of water while at work today, and eat healthier than I did yesterday.

A side note: I also ordered a 30-day cleanse I received in the mail yesterday called Isagenix! I am planning to start the cleanse on July 25, after I return from vacation. I will do a review of that as well on here, and I plan to continue my workout regimen (except on the cleanse days when you are not supposed to work out).

Here's to sore butts, dripping sweat, and finally having started!   - Sarah